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Stimulate new root growth development and a positive transpiration stream through the plant with PHOSTER.

PHOSTER: Concentrated, highly plant available phosphite

Stimulate new root growth development and a positive transpiration stream through the plant with PHOSTER. PHOSTER is a concentrated formulation of highly plant available Phosphite (PO3} that boasts many advantages post application all targeted at producing a nutritionally balanced, healthy crop.

  • Increases shoot & root development
  • Increases cation uptake
  • Increases rate of energy transfer
  • Nutritional plant defence activator

Highly plant available Phosphite
PHOSTER is a concentrated formulation of highly plant available phosphite (PO3) suited for application to a large range of fruiting and flowering Horticultural crops.

Phosphites are smaller molecules in comparison to phosphates (P2O5). Where Phosphate is an essential plant macro nutrient, phosphite is a true plant bio-stimulant that, whilst it cannot be utilised directly buy the plant, has highly beneficial physiological effects triggering physiological responses within the plant to enhance yield and performance.

Their main characteristic is that they promote active root growth. This in turn increases water and nutrient use efficiencies by allowing the plant to extensively explore the substrate it is growing in. This root stimulation also reduces the impact of soil borne pathogens, such as pythium and phytophora, allowing plants to grow through mild cases. This increased nutrient and water uptake allows the plant to utilise these elements in important growth stages, reducing plant stress and creating a more resilient and balanced plant. This has enormous benefits when it comes to eliciting natural plant defences. More nutritionally balanced plants that aren’t suffering from abiotic stress are naturally less prone to pest and disease outbreaks.

Function of PHOSTER
Easy to use and extremely versatile, Phoster is a concentrated, highly plant available form of monopotassium phosphite. Applied as part of an IPM strategy, Phoster aids in producing a nutritionally well balanced, healthy crop complimenting the action and mobility of other nutrients and supporting natural defence mechanisms.




Phosphorus (P2O5)



as Phosphite (PO3)



Potassium (K2O)



Applying PHOSTER
Being systemic, applications of PHOSTER are very flexible and can be made via the roots, or as a foliar application.

Typical foliar applications of PHOSTER are between 0.75–1.5 L/ha, repeated regularly at 10-14 day intervals. This helps boost both rooting and build plant defences.

Standard fertigation applications of PHOSTER are between 0.75-1.5 L/ha per 100L of stock solution at 1:100 (1%), repeated regularly at 10-14 day intervals

It is recommended to apply PHOSTER as part of a nutrition IPM strategy utilising nutrition such as copper, manganese, silicon and zinc or a seaweed-based crop nutrition package, such as AUGMENT, to create an extensive root structure, and a phosphate and zinc.

Q&A with Joe Barfoot, Aiva's Soil Fertility Consultant