Box T Pro Press re-authorisation delay

23rd January 2024

Box T Pro Press
 may not be available between March and July 2024 whilst undergoing a re-authorisation process, scheduled for completion in July 2024. If you anticipate needing Box T Pro Press for your requirements this season, we strongly recommend making a purchase before the end of February 2024.

What is Box T Pro Press?
Box T Pro Press is an innovative bio-control mating disruption system for managing box tree caterpillar. The easy-to-use product contains a unique highly concentrated female pheromone that inhibits the ability of male moths to find a female for mating. As a result, egg laying is reduced and the subsequent number of defoliating caterpillars significantly decreased. Box T Pro has proven to be highly successful in reducing damage to box trees in trials across Europe and the UK.


Long-lasting high-performance diffusion
The microencapsulated formulation of pheromone, vegetable oil and natural wax allows for a controlled release of the pheromone for 3 months. This means less maintenance and better protection of box trees.

Easy to use
Box T Pro Press is supplied in pouches and applied using the dedicated Phero pump applicator. The pheromone is precision applied in a 1.5 cm dose on the trunk or the nook of the branches making it very safe and practical to apply.

In stock Box T Pro Press Pouch 250g

Box T Pro Press Pouch 250g

£225.00 Ex VAT

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Product flyers

Find out more and place an order

For more information on Box T Pro Press, please contact our Technical Team via or call 01903 256 856.

To place an order, contact your Area Sales Manager directly or contact the Customer Services Team on 01903 726 100 or email