What are the benefits of organic fertilisers?

In the world of horticulture, where the health and vitality of our plants reign supreme, the choice of fertilisers can make all the difference. While traditional mineral feeds have long held sway, there's a green revolution happening beneath the soil's surface – a revolution driven by organic fertilisers. In this article, we'll delve into the manifold benefits of these nutrient-rich products and why they're making waves in the world of commercial growing.

The organic renaissance
Organic fertilisers, often associated with the age-old practice of using manure to enrich fields, have undergone a remarkable transformation in recent years. Gone are the days of inconsistency and guesswork; modern organic fertilisers are highly sophisticated, leveraging a diverse array of agricultural by-products and natural extracts to create customised nutrient profiles and release patterns. This innovation has catapulted organic feeds into the mainstream of commercial growing, where they're increasingly being integrated into potting mixes.

Nutrient release mechanism
One of the key distinctions between organic and conventional mineral feeds lies in their nutrient release mechanism. Organic nutrition is bound within organic molecules, necessitating the involvement of root-dwelling microbes for release. This intricate system aligns perfectly with a plant's metabolic pace, ensuring a steady supply of nutrients that harmoniously matches the plant's growth cycle.

During warm months of vigorous plant activity, microbial activity surges, delivering ample nutrition to support growth. Conversely, in colder temperatures, when plant nutrient demands are lower, microbial activity decreases, providing just the right amount. This balance is a boon for overwintered crops, preventing nutrient deficiencies during early spring emergence – a common pitfall with mineral Controlled Release Fertilisers (CRFs) that struggle to release at low temperatures.

Moreover, organic fertilisers adapt to high temperatures, as microbial activity slows down, mirroring the plant's needs. This prevents nutrient overloading during extreme heat, a problem often encountered with CRFs, which release faster at higher temperatures, potentially harming plant roots.

In essence, this release mechanism ensures that plants are rarely overfed or underfed, fostering robust and healthy growth.

Uniformity: A root's delight
The fine granule size achievable with organic feeds, such as the DCM 'mini granule,' promotes a uniform distribution of nutrients throughout the pot. In contrast, the larger granules of CRFs create pockets of high Electrical Conductivity (EC) in their vicinity, limiting nutrient availability in other areas. This can stifle root growth.

Uniform distribution encourages robust root development across the entire pot, maximising nutrient uptake. This synergy proves invaluable when combined with liquid feed or CRFs, as a stronger, more extensive root system handles high EC feeds with ease.

Premium organic products further enhance uniform release by selecting complementary components for a controlled release pattern, allowing plants to allocate resources efficiently with confidence in a steady EC supply.

Nurturing soil biology
Feeding beneficial microbes within the growing medium fosters a thriving root microbial community. This community, in turn, bestows a myriad of advantages upon plants, including:

Improved nutrient availability: Microbes fix or release nutrients otherwise inaccessible to plants. They also extend the root network's reach by colonising roots and foraging for nutrients throughout the growing medium.
Anti-pathogen activity: Root-dwelling microbes stimulate the plant's natural defences against pathogens, enhancing resistance to root and foliar diseases. By occupying space within the root zone, they exclude pathogens from establishing themselves, limiting root zone infections.
Enhanced growth and development: Microbes release plant signalling molecules that promote robust growth of both roots and shoots.
Water-wise and leach-proof

Organic fertilisers enable plants to thrive with less soil moisture than their mineral counterparts. This drier growth environment aids in pest and disease management.

Additionally, nutrients in organic fertilisers are tightly bound within organic molecules, making them resistant to leaching. They need to be mineralised before uptake, rendering them virtually impervious to pre-mature loss. This property proves especially advantageous in peat-free mixes, which tend to have lower nutrient retention capabilities.

Resistance to pests and diseases
A well-fed, resilient crop with a healthy root microbiome and strong root system possesses a high level of resistance to pests and diseases. Such plants actively release anti-pathogenic and herbivory compounds to combat infections and infestations. Consequently, plant protection products, especially biopesticides, show improved efficacy.

Interpreting organic fertiliser nutrient analysis
Analysing growing media for crops fed with organic fertilisers requires a different lens. Key differences include Electrical Conductivity (EC) and nitrate levels. Organic feeds deliver nutrition at a lower yet more stable EC, aligning with plant growth needs. Nitrate levels will be lower than in conventional programmes, as nitrates are mineralised and taken up almost immediately.

Effective use of organic fertilisers
Integrating organic fertilisers into your growing regime is a sound choice for cultivating robust, healthy, high-quality crops. Collaborate with your growing media manufacturer to ensure a uniform distribution of feed in the pot, saving time and labour on liquid feeding.

Two considerations are essential:

Initial establishment: Since organic fertilisers require mineralisation before nutrient release, some crops may benefit from a small amount of mineral base fertiliser during initial establishment.

Release duration: Organic granules' release typically lasts up to 150 days at most. For longer-term feeding, consider combining them with CRFs or liquid feeds, leveraging the organic feed's support for a robust root system that can handle larger granules and high EC levels. Alternatively, top-dressing with organic fertilisers can also yield excellent results for those committed to organic feeding exclusively.

In conclusion, organic fertilisers represent a green, sustainable, and highly effective approach to nurturing healthy crops with a multitude of benefits. Harnessing the power of nature's bounty beneath the soil ensures not just vibrant growth but also the longevity and vitality of our cherished plants. Embrace the organic renaissance in horticulture and witness your crops flourish like never before.

Article Written by Jack Haslam, Technical Development Manager.
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