25 kg
Technical Comments
Minigran technology, a microgranule with dimensions between 800 and 2500 microns, at least 80% between 1000 and 2000 microns.
Activity / Control
A compound organic fertiliser complexed with plant extracts. Gives prolonged and continuous release of nutrients over 100-150 days by microbial action.
Potting soils as base fertiliser and as a top dressing on container plants. For use on lawns sports turf, and on tree nurseries, ornamental plants, vegetables and fruit.
Application Rate
Exact rate depends on the crop, time of application, nutrient reserve and intensity of irrigation. Potting soil base fertilisation 4-7 kg/m3, for seedlings and cuttings 2-5 kg/m3. Top dressing 3-7 kg/m3 potting soil. Tree nursery, ornamental plants, vegetables and fruit 6-15 kg/100m2. Lawns sports turfs and golf courses 6-12 kg/100m2.
100% organic fertiliser containing natural plant extracts incorporating minigran technology. Enables the continuous controlled organic release of nutrients over a period of 100-150 days with less leaching losses. Ideal for crops grown in pots.